# 05. Shopping

# 1 Order

# 1.1 Create Order(POST) (Deprecated)

# This interface is deprecated, please use createOrderV2




curl --location --request POST 'https://developers.cjdropshipping.com/api2.0/v1/shopping/order/createOrder' \
                --header 'CJ-Access-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' \
                --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
                --data-raw '{
                    "orderNumber": "1234",
                    "shippingZip": "123",
                    "shippingCountryCode": "US",
                    "shippingCountry": "123",
                    "shippingProvince": "123",
                    "shippingCity": "132",
                    "shippingAddress": "123213",
                    "shippingCustomerName": "123213",
                    "shippingPhone": "111",
                    "remark": "note",
                    "fromCountryCode": "CN",
                    "logisticName": "PostNL",
                    "houseNumber": "123",
                    "email": "",
                    "products": [
                            "vid": "92511400-C758-4474-93CA-66D442F5F787",
                            "quantity": 1
Parameter Definition Type Required Length Note
orderNumber A unique identifier for the order from CJ partner. string Y 50
shippingCountryCode country code string Y 200
shippingCountry country string Y 200
shippingProvince province string Y 200
shippingCity city string Y 200
shippingAddress shipping address string Y 200
shippingCustomerName shipping name string Y 200
shippingZip zip string Y 200
shippingPhone phone number string Y 200
remark order remark string 500
logisticName logistic name string Y 200
fromCountryCode from string Y 200 warehouse
houseNumber house number String N 20
email email String N 50
products list Y 200
vid variant id string Y 200
quantity quantity string Y 200

# Return


    "code": 200,
    "result": true,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": "210711100018655344",
    "requestId": "9eddf3f5-bd3d-4fae-a4f2-028cbb90db97"
Field Definition Type Length Note
code error code int 20 Reference error code
result Whether or not the return is normal boolean 1
message return message string 200
data return data object interface data return
requestId requestId string 48 Flag request for logging errors


   "code": 1600100,
   "result": false,
   "message": "Param error",
   "data": null,
   "requestId": "323fda9d-3c94-41dc-a944-5cc1b8baf5b1"
Field Definition Type Length Note
code error code int 20 Reference error code
result Whether or not the return is normal boolean 1
message return message string 200
data return data object interface data return
requestId requestId string 48 Flag request for logging errors

# 1.2 Create Order V2(POST)

  • Create order
  • If you want to use balance payment, set payType 2, and the created order will be processed for subsequent operations: adding shopping cart, confirming order, balance payment
  • If you do not want to use balance payment, set payType 3




curl --location --request POST 'https://developers.cjdropshipping.com/api2.0/v1/shopping/order/createOrderV2' \
                --header 'CJ-Access-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' \
                --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
                --data-raw '{
                    "orderNumber": "1234",
                    "shippingZip": "123",
                    "shippingCountry": "123",
                    "shippingCountryCode": "US",
                    "shippingProvince": "123",
                    "shippingCity": "132",
                    "shippingCounty": "",
                    "shippingPhone": "111",
                    "shippingCustomerName": "123213",
                    "shippingAddress": "123213",
                    "shippingAddress2": "123213",
                    "taxId": "123",
                    "remark": "note",
                    "email": "",
                    "consigneeID": "",
                    "payType": "",
                    "shopAmount": "",
                    "logisticName": "PostNL",
                    "fromCountryCode": "CN",
                    "houseNumber": "123",
                    "iossType": "",
                    "platform": "shopify",
                    "iossNumber": ""
                    "products": [
                            "vid": "92511400-C758-4474-93CA-66D442F5F787",
                            "quantity": 1
Parameter Definition Type Required Length Note
orderNumber A unique identifier for the order from CJ partner. string Y 50
shippingZip Zip of destination string Y 20
shippingCountryCode Country code of destination string Y 20 Referer:Country Code, Please use The two-letter code
shippingCountry Country of destination string Y 50
shippingProvince Province of destination string Y 50
shippingCity City of destination string Y 50
shippingCounty County of destination String N 50
shippingPhone Phone number of destination string Y 20
shippingCustomerName Customer name string Y 50
shippingAddress Shipping address of destination string Y 200
shippingAddress2 Shipping address 2 of destination string N 200
houseNumber House Number String N 20
email Email String N 50
taxId Tax Id string N 20
remark Order remark string N 500
consigneeID consignee id string N 20
payType Pay Type=2 (Balance Payment), Pay Type=3 (No Balance Payment) int N 10 If using balance payment, payType must be 2
shopAmount Order Amount BigDecimal N 20
logisticName logistic name string Y 50
fromCountryCode Country code of the shipment from string Y 20 Referer:Country Code, Please use The two-letter code
platform platform(such as shopify) String N 20 If this parameter is not used, the default platform type will be used. If you need to activate a specific platform type, you need to find a salesperson to apply for activation.
iossType IOSS Type int N 20 IOSS Type, Options: 1=No IOSS(The recipient will be required to pay VAT and other related fees when the order is declared without IOSS.), 2=Declare with my own IOSS(Please ensure that the IOSS provided is valid and is linked to the destination country in the EU. The declaration will proceed without IOSS if the destination country is not linked to a correct IOSS.), 3=Declare with CJ’s IOSS(Declaration with your store order amount is recommended. You will be responsible for the relevant risks if you choose to declare with CJ order amount. CJ’s IOSS is not applicable for orders valued above €150, and the recipient will be required to pay VAT.), Config Page (opens new window)
iossNumber IOSS Number String N 10 If iossType=3, the value is fixed to CJ-IOSS
products List Y 20
vid variant id string Y 50
quantity quantity int Y 50
unitPrice item pricing BigDecimal N 20
podProperties POD customization information String N 500 Example:[{"areaName":"LogoArea","links":["https://cc-west-usa.oss-us-west-1.aliyuncs.com/9f0b99e6-17ec-4dcd-8916-fc5d644be993_LOGO_NavyBlue.png"],"type":"1","layer":[ (opens new window)]}]



# Return


    "code": 200,
    "result": true,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": {
        "orderNumber": "",
        "orderId": "123434',
        "shipmentOrderId": "",
        "iossAmount": ,
        "iossTaxHandlingFee": ,
        "iossAmount": ,
        "postageAmount": ,
        "productAmount": "",
        "productOriginalAmount": "",
        "productDiscountAmount": "",
        "postageDiscountAmount": "",
        "postageOriginalAmount": "",
        "totalDiscountAmount": "",
        "actualPayment": "",
        "orderOriginalAmount": "",
        "cjPayUrl": "",
        "orderAmount": "",
        "logisticsMiss": "",
        "productInfoList": [
                "lineItemId": "",
                "variantId": "",
                "isGroup": true,
                "quantity" 10,
                "subOrderProducts": [
                        "lineItemId": "",
                        "variantId": "",
                        "quantity": ""
        "orderStatus": "",
        "interceptOrderReasons": [
                "code": 1001,
                "message": ""
    "requestId": "9eddf3f5-bd3d-4fae-a4f2-028cbb90db97"
Field Definition Type Length Note
code error code int 20 Reference error code
result Whether or not the return is normal boolean 1
message return message string 200
data return data object interface data return
requestId requestId string 48 Flag request for logging errors

data information

Field Definition Type Length Note
orderId cj order id string 200
orderNumber orderNumber string 200
shipmentOrderId shipment order id string 200
iossAmount ioss amount BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
iossTaxHandlingFee ioss tax BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
postageAmount postage amount BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
productAmount product amount BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
productOriginalAmount total amount of products (before discount) BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
productDiscountAmount product discount amount BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
postageDiscountAmount postage discount amount BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
postageOriginalAmount postage amount (before discount) BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
totalDiscountAmount the total amount of the order after discount BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
actualPayment the amount actually paid BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
orderOriginalAmount original order amount BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
cjPayUrl cj pay url string 200
orderAmount order amount BigDecimal 200
logisticsMiss logistics missing mark Boolean 10
orderStatus order status string 10
productInfoList product information list
interceptOrderReasons order interception information list

product information

Field Definition Type Length Note
lineItemId lineItemId string 50
variantId variant id string 50
quantity quantity int 20
isGroup Main product label boolean 10
subOrderProducts combination product list 10
lineItemId lineItemId string 50
variantId variant id string 50
quantity quantity int 20

Order interception information

Field Definition Type Length Note
code code int 50
message message string 200


   "code": 1600100,
   "result": false,
   "message": "Param error",
   "data": null,
   "requestId": "323fda9d-3c94-41dc-a944-5cc1b8baf5b1"
Field Definition Type Length Note
code error code int 20 Reference error code
result Whether or not the return is normal boolean 1
message return message string 200
data return data object interface data return
requestId requestId string 48 Flag request for logging errors

# 1.3 List Order(GET)




curl --location --request GET 'https://developers.cjdropshipping.com/api2.0/v1/shopping/order/list?pageNum=1&pageSize=10' \
                --header 'CJ-Access-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Parameter Definition Type Required Length Note
pageNum Page number int No 20 Default 1
pageSize Quantity of results on each page int No 20 Default 20
orderIds orders' id List No 100

# Return


    "code": 200,
    "result": true,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": {
        "pageNum": 1,
        "pageSize": 10,
        "total": 6859,
        "list": [
                "orderId": "1377085655003308032",
                "orderNum": "50166125936666",
                "cjOrderId": null,
                "shippingCountryCode": "SG",
                "shippingProvince": "Singapore",
                "shippingCity": "Singapore",
                "shippingPhone": "6587997352",
                "shippingAddress": "Singapore,07  Anson  Tanjong  Pagar,79 ANSON ROAD,79 Anson Road #01-01, Phoenix Tower",
                "shippingCustomerName": "KUDO KANJI ",
                "remark": "",
                "orderWeight": 0,
                "orderStatus": "CREATED",
                "orderAmount": null,
                "productAmount": 0,
                "postageAmount": null,
                "logisticName": null,
                "trackNumber": null,
                "createDate": "2021-03-31 00:46:39",
                "paymentDate": null,
                "productList": null
Field Definition Type Length Note
orderId order id string 200
orderNum order name string 200
cjOrderId cj order id string 200
shippingCountryCode country code string 200
shippingProvince province string 200
shippingCity city string 200
shippingAddress shipping address string 200
shippingCustomerName shipping name string Y 200
shippingPhone phone number string 200
remark order remark string 500
logisticName logistic name string 200
trackNumber track number string 200
orderWeight order weight int 20
orderAmount order amount BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
orderStatus order status string 200
createDate create time string 200
paymentDate pay time string 200
productAmount product amount BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
postageAmount postage amount BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)

Order Status

Order Status Status remark
CREATED order create create order, wait confirm
IN_CART in cart wait confirm, api merge this state
UNPAID unpaid confirm order, cj order number create
UNSHIPPED unshipped paid, wait for sending
SHIPPED shipped in transit, get tracking number
DELIVERED delivered clients receving
CANCELLED cancelled


   "code": 1600100,
   "result": false,
   "message": "Param error",
   "data": null,
   "requestId": "323fda9d-3c94-41dc-a944-5cc1b8baf5b1"
Field Definition Type Length Note
code error code int 20 Reference error code
result Whether or not the return is normal boolean 1
message return message string 200
data return data object interface data return
requestId requestId string 48 Flag request for logging errors

# 1.4 Query Order(GET)




curl --location --request GET 'https://developers.cjdropshipping.com/api2.0/v1/shopping/order/getOrderDetail?orderId=210711100018043276' \
                --header 'CJ-Access-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Parameter Definition Type Required Length Note
orderId order id string Y 200 Query
orderNum order number string Y 200 Query

# Return


    "code": 200,
    "result": true,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": {
        "orderId": "210823100016290555",
        "orderNum": "api_52f268d40b8d460e82c0683955e63cc9",
        "cjOrderId": null,
        "shippingCountryCode": "US",
        "shippingProvince": "Connecticut",
        "shippingCity": "ftdsr",
        "shippingPhone": "43514123",
        "shippingAddress": "rfdxf rfdesr",
        "shippingCustomerName": "Xu Old",
        "remark": null,
        "orderWeight": 20,
        "orderStatus": "CREATED",
        "orderAmount": 4.25,
        "productAmount": 0.57,
        "postageAmount": 3.68,
        "logisticName": "CJPacket Ordinary",
        "trackNumber": null,
        "createDate": "2021-08-23 11:31:45",
        "paymentDate": null,
        "productList": [
                "vid": "1392053744945991680",
                "quantity": 1,
                "sellPrice": 0.57
    "requestId": "3adccdcb-d41b-4808-996b-c7c5c833d77d"
Field Definition Type Length Note
orderId order id string 200
orderNum order name string 200
cjOrderId cj order id string 200
cjOrderCode cj order code string 200
shippingCountryCode country code string 200
shippingProvince province string 200
shippingCity city string 200
shippingAddress shipping address string 200
shippingCustomerName shipping name string Y 200
shippingPhone phone number string 200
remark order remark string 500
logisticName logistic name string 200
trackNumber track number string 200
orderWeight order weight int 20
orderAmount order amount BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
orderStatus order status string 200
createDate create time string 200
paymentDate pay time string 200
productAmount product amount BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
postageAmount postage amount BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)

Order Status

Order Status Status remark
CREATED order create create order, wait confirm
IN_CART in cart wait confirm, api merge this state
UNPAID unpaid confirm order, cj order number create
UNSHIPPED unshipped paid, wait for sending
SHIPPED shipped in transit, get tracking number
DELIVERED delivered clients receving
CANCELLED cancelled


   "code": 1600100,
   "result": false,
   "message": "Param error",
   "data": null,
   "requestId": "323fda9d-3c94-41dc-a944-5cc1b8baf5b1"
Field Definition Type Length Note
code error code int 20 Reference error code
result Whether or not the return is normal boolean 1
message return message string 200
data return data object interface data return
requestId requestId string 48 Flag request for logging errors

# 1.5 Order Delete(DEL)




curl --location --request DELETE 'https://developers.cjdropshipping.com/api2.0/v1/shopping/order/deleteOrder?orderId=210711100018655344' \
                --header 'CJ-Access-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Parameter Definition Type Required Length Note
orderId order id string Y 200 Query

# Return


    "code": 200,
    "result": true,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": "210711100018655344",
    "requestId": "721341bf-abf8-4d8c-b400-1fbdaef79039"
Field Definition Type Length Note
code error code int 20 Reference error code
result Whether or not the return is normal boolean 1
message return message string 200
data return data object interface data return
requestId requestId string 48 Flag request for logging errors


   "code": 1600100,
   "result": false,
   "message": "Param error",
   "data": null,
   "requestId": "323fda9d-3c94-41dc-a944-5cc1b8baf5b1"
Field Definition Type Length Note
code error code int 20 Reference error code
result Whether or not the return is normal boolean 1
message return message string 200
data return data object interface data return
requestId requestId string 48 Flag request for logging errors

# 1.6 Confirm Order(PATCH)




curl --location --request PATCH 'https://developers.cjdropshipping.com/api2.0/v1/shopping/order/confirmOrder' \
                --header 'CJ-Access-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' \
                --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
                --data-raw '{
                    "orderId": "210711100018655344"
Parameter Definition Type Required Length Note
orderId order id string Y 200 Query

# Return


    "code": 200,
    "result": true,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": "210711100018655344",
    "requestId": "721341bf-abf8-4d8c-b400-1fbdaef79039"
Field Definition Type Length Note
code error code int 20 Reference error code
result Whether or not the return is normal boolean 1
message return message string 200
data return data object interface data return
requestId requestId string 48 Flag request for logging errors


    "code": 1603001,
    "result": false,
    "message": "order confirm fail",
    "data": null,
    "requestId": "7dc61955-c0e8-4731-bb9b-393b4fffeaaf"
Field Definition Type Length Note
code error code int 20 Reference error code
result Whether or not the return is normal boolean 1
message return message string 200
data return data object interface data return
requestId requestId string 48 Flag request for logging errors

# 2 Payment

# 2.1 Get Balance(GET)




curl --location --request GET 'https://developers.cjdropshipping.com/api2.0/v1/shopping/pay/getBalance' \
                --header 'CJ-Access-Token: 0580277abfe24bcc9fccdc3ede57d334'

# Return


    "code": 200,
    "result": true,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": {
        "amount": 87247.32,
        "noWithdrawalAmount": null,
        "freezeAmount": null
    "requestId": "36fc030a-a110-4318-bc83-f39f9d3e5484"
Field Definition Type Length Note
noWithdrawalAmount Bonus amount BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
freezeAmount Frozen amount BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
amount Amount BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)


   "code": 1600100,
   "result": false,
   "message": "Param error",
   "data": null,
   "requestId": "323fda9d-3c94-41dc-a944-5cc1b8baf5b1"
Field Definition Type Length Note
code error code int 20 Reference error code
result Whether or not the return is normal boolean 1
message return message string 200
data return data object interface data return
requestId requestId string 48 Flag request for logging errors

# 2.2 Pay Balance(POST)




curl --location --request POST 'https://developers.cjdropshipping.com/api2.0/v1/shopping/pay/payBalance' \
                --header 'CJ-Access-Token: 0580277abfe24bcc9fccdc3ede57d334' \
                --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
                --data-raw '{
                    "orderId": "12"
Parameter Definition Type Required Length Note
orderId Order id string Yes 200

# Return


    "code": 200,
    "result": true,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": null,
    "requestId": "7dbe69b9-dd82-4ee3-907c-a6fca833e3ce"
Field Definition Type Length Note
code error code int 20 Reference error code
result Whether or not the return is normal boolean 1
message return message string 200
data return data object interface data return
requestId requestId string 48 Flag request for logging errors


  "code": 1600100,
  "result": false,
  "message": "Param error",
  "data": null,
  "requestId": "323fda9d-3c94-41dc-a944-5cc1b8baf5b1"
Field Definition Type Length Note
code error code int 20 Reference error code
result Whether or not the return is normal boolean 1
message return message string 200
data return data object interface data return
requestId requestId string 48 Flag request for logging errors